Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sulcorebutia caniguerqalii

Cactus Flowers

Cactus Flowers, are some of the most beautiful flowers nature has to offer. Most people have no idea that all Cacti flower. This is do to the fact that cactus only flower when the conditions are exactly perfect. They either have to be in their native environment in the wild, or you must create an exact duplicate climate to enjoy the blossoms that these odd looking desert dwellers produce.
Many types of Cacti will put out very colorful flowers again and again, if the climate is right. This gives us a little clue. When one does flower for you in captivity, do not change it's location, or the way you care for it and it will probably continue to flower.

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EPI CACTI FORUMS-Hosted by • Index page

EPI CACTI FORUMS-Hosted by • Index page


Cactus, what a funny word. Not so funny if you sit on one, and believe me I have. Some of these plants can stick you like a pissed off porky pine.

On a brighter note, these plants are known for producing some of the most beautiful flowers known to mankind. I've also been privileged to see this flowering process occur on over six hundred different varieties of cacti from around the world.

I believe that I'm in a very elite club as not many people can make this claim. There are some cacti that flower only at night, there are cacti that flower for only one day, there are cacti that flower in the summer and ones that flower in the winter. The collection that we have assembled came from over twenty countries, on several continents and is being maintained in the frozen tundra of New Hampshire.

Yes I said New Hampshire. New England by the way, for those of you who have never been here, can dish out some of the harshest winters the globe has to offer. Somehow my green fisted girlfriend, makes these plants flourish against all odds and we have her illustrious photo album, as well as over six hundred plants to show for it.